Over one million Gear Keeper Systems in use with less than a .001% failure rate.

All Gear Keeper retractor modules are highly engineered for long, trouble-free use.

Safety engineers can choose from an extensive array of Gear Keeper stock and custom tethering systems. The systems range from retractable tethers for security access cards and hand tools to shoulder straps and lanyards for heavy instruments. With more than one million systems in use, Gear Keepers can be found in extreme operating conditions ranging from combat to undersea maintenance operations. For almost two decades, Gear Keeper systems have been the choice of the U. S. military, law enforcement, trucking, industry, fire and rescue personnel, trucking, scuba divers and other outdoor enthusiasts.

For more information about any of the company?s innovative tethering products — contact Hammerhead Industries, Inc. at 1501 Goodyear Avenue, Ventura, CA 93003 Phone: (805) 658 9922 • Fax: (805) 658-8833 • Or visit www.gearkeeper.com. nike air max schwarz nike air max schwarz

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