Mic Keeper Retractable Tethering Systems Help Firefighters Adhere to International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) Portable Radio Best Practices

Retractable tethers keep critical equipment secure and easily accessible. After a string of firefighter injuries and deaths related to radio communication in the 2000s, the International Association of Fire Chiefs formed a special subcommittee to look into the issues. The result was a series of portable radio best practices published in 2008 that recommended firefighters place radio microphones one to two inches from the mouth to minimize or eliminate background noise that can drown out the communication.

In fact, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program*, lack of effective communications is one of the leading causes of non-cardiac line of duty deaths among firefighters. Many firefighters are turning to the retractable Mic Keeper® from Hammerhead Industries to effectively secure their radio equipment to their lapels.

The IAFC says that firefighters should “ensure that the microphone is placed no more than one to two inches from the mouth or SCBA voice port with the microphone positioned directly in front of the audio source.” The Mic Keeper device is designed to secure the microphone for immediate and proper use according to the “Best Practices” directive while freeing the hands to use other critical firefighting tools like picks, flashlights and knives.

The Mic Keeper is a rugged, retractable system designed to utilize and protect gear in severe environments with maximum break strength and durability. Mic Keepers come in a variety of strengths, multiple retraction forces and a wide range of mounting options. The company’s RT2 Series is well suited for the majority of tasks, while its RT3 Series can handle heavier microphones as well as popular firefighter tools like flashlights, seatbelt cutters and thermal imaging cameras.

To easily attach a Mic Keeper or another Gear Keeper device to a firefighter’s turnout gear, the company developed the innovative Add-A-Clip® product line. These sturdy clips enable users to attach a Mic Keeper or Gear Keeper without the need for special sewn-on alterations. Add-A-Clips come with a variety of end types such as snap clips, bolt clips, split rings and glove holders.

The issue of properly securing a radio and microphone to a turnout coat has become a vital part of firefighter safety.

For more information about any of the company?s innovative tethering products — contact Hammerhead Industries, Inc. at 1501 Goodyear Avenue, Ventura, CA 93003 Phone: (805) 658 9922 • Fax: (805) 658-8833 • Or visit www.gearkeeper.com. nike air max 90 damen nike air max 90 damen

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